Huwebes, Hulyo 7, 2011

Calories in Filipino Foods ; Indian Food

A. Calories in Filipino Foods

In this reading, the writer is able to discuss and elaborate specifically on what calories are, how much calories are contained in a certain portion of food, how to compute one's total calorie requirement and how calorie-awareness is very important in a healthy living. The writer obviously wants his readers to be informed and be aware of how essential calorie intake is. He also states facts. For example by defining calorie as the amount of energy in food/drink we ingest, and also the energy consumed or lost with any bodily activity. Generally, he is very specific with his information about calories. He enumerates how much calories are present in each type of food. He also gives advice to the us, the readers, that we should live a healthy lifestyle by eating what is nutritious for us and that we should at least consume 500 calories per day. This reading serves as a guide and warning for us especially nowadays that we are more health conscious than ever.

 B. Indian Food

According to the writer, Indian foods differ not only in taste but also in cooking methods. Generally, the writer has a positive concept on Indian food. The writer probably adores Indian food because of how he positively describes the food. His style of comparing and contrasting the food in the North, South, West and East India is one effective way of grabbing the attention of the readers. He states how spice is an essential element in every Indian food. He enumerates what ingredients are used for a particular dish. Say for example, in North India, he states that chapatis are prepared with a variety of flours such as wheat, rice, maida, and besan. In West India, he describes the cooking style as “Portuguese influenced” in Goa. In East India, he describes how Hilsa is prepared. It has a special way of preparing through wrapping it in a pumpkin leaf and cooking it afterwards. To sum everything up, the writer specifically gives a concrete description on how the different kinds of food are prepared, what ingredients are used and the physical appearance and taste of the foods.